Friday, March 10, 2006
Thursday, March 09, 2006
Pemandangan Pagi
angin pagi melintas di antara pepohonan di perempatan jalan Mampang
dedaunan pohon angsana tertiup terbang, meninggalkan ranting
jatuh ke atap mobil yang bersliweran
sebagian lagi meluruh ke aspal
menunggu angin menerbangkannya kembali
- siapa bilang di Jakarta nggak ada musim gugur? -
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
Baca Tontonan
belakangan ini sadar atau tidak, gue menumpuk hutang yg tambah hari tambah banyak. hutang bacaan dan hutang tontonan.
belakangan ini, jelas dengan kesadaran bahwa hutang bacaan ini nggak boleh bertambah dulu sebelum diselesaikan, gue memaksa diri gue untuk menghabiskan waktu luang gue dengan membaca. tiap malam, sepulang kerja, sebelum mata mulai digelayuti kantuk, gue ambil satu buku cerita atau satu novel atau satu majalah. walaupun akhirnya cuma bisa membaca dua sampai lima halaman, lumayanlah daripada nggak kelar sama sekali. yang pasti periode bacanya bakal terasa lama karena beli bukunya kapan kelar dibacanya kapan.
hmm, hutang tontonan gue terpaksa harus lebih panjang lagi bayarnya. masih ada.. hah! lebih dari 10 judul yg ngejogrog di kantong belanjaan. gue rada susah cari waktu yg pas buat nonton, yg jelas-jelas perlu enerji dan konsentrasi. dan perlu diingat, kalau mau nonton di hari sabtu atau minggu, kadang gue harus bersaing dengan dini, ponakan gue. kalau dia main ke rumah, sudah jelas gue kalah set dengan pilihan tontonannya. alice in wonderland atau dumbo, sekarang itu yg jadi judul favoritnya. dan berulang-ulang kali disetel dan disetel lagi. lama-kelamaan gue hafal sama lagu dan dialognya, hahaha!
dengan kata lain, dalam kamus gue, tiada hari luang tanpa membayar hutang....
Saturday, March 04, 2006
Hal Nggak Penting Yang Gue Suka
You Are Apple Pie |
You're the perfect combo of comforting and traditional Those who like you crave security |
Your Hair Should Be Blue |
Wild, brilliant, and out of control. You're a risk taker with an eye to the future. |
You Are Animal |
A complete lunatic, you're operating on 100% animal instincts. You thrive on uncontrolled energy, and you're downright scary. But you sure can beat a good drum. "Kill! Kill!" |
Friday, March 03, 2006
Am What I am
Your Personality Profile |
You are happy, driven, and status conscious. You want everyone to know how successful you are. Very logical, you see life as a game of strategy. A bit of a loner, you prefer to depend on yourself. You always keep your cool and your composure. You are a born leader and business person. |
Your Values Profile |
Loyalty: You value loyalty a fair amount. You're loyal to your friends... to a point. But if they cross you, you will reconsider your loyalties. Staying true to others is important to you, but you also stay true to yourself. Honesty: You don't really value honesty. You do value getting your way, no matter what. And if a little lying is required to do that, no problem. A few white lies never hurt anyone (at least, that's what you tell yourself!) Generosity: You value generosity a fair amount. You are all about giving, as long as there's some give and take. Supportive and kind, you don't mind helping out a friend in need. But you know when you've given too much. You have no problem saying "no"! Humility: You value humility a fair amount. You tend to be an easy going, humble person. But occasionally your ego takes over. You have a slight competitive streak - and the need to be the best. Tolerance: You value tolerance highly. Not only do you enjoy the company of those very different from you... You do all that you can to seek it out interesting and unique friends. You think there are many truths in life, and you're open to many of them. |
Your Life Path Number is 5 |
Your purpose in life is to life freely and collect experiences. You love life - new adventures, new people, new ideas. You are very curious, and you crave novelty in all forms. You tend to make friends easily, and you enjoy the company of all types of people. In love, you are fun and even a bit intoxicating. But you won't stick around for long. You are impulsive and spontaneous - which sometimes leads you to do things you regret. Sometimes you can be overindulgent with food, sex, or drugs. You have many talents, so many that you are often scattered and unfocused. |
You Are 22% Evil |
A bit of evil lurks in your heart, but you hide it well. In some ways, you are the most dangerous kind of evil. |
Hidup Kelly!
Your 2005 Song Is |
Since You've Been Gone by Kelly Clarkson "But since you've been gone I can breathe for the first time I'm so moving on" In 2005, you moved on. |